Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Approximately two years ago, I found what appeared to be a bald spot on my head. Immediately, I was able to self diagnose due to learning about skin diseases and disorders in Cosmetology school. I feared I was correct yet hoped I wasn't. As I sat in the small exam room, he confirmed I had Alopecia Areata, an auto immune disease that targets the hair follicles. My first question was, "Do I have the auto immune disease or is it just an isolated incident?" I was met with the response, "I don't know." Since that was the first [and only] spot I had found, we had a plan of just "keeping an eye on it." I received a steroid injection that day and cannot even begin to explain that moment.

That moment of: I am twenty one years old. I should not be losing my hair. This is humiliating. Mixed with fear of what this could possibly turn into, and on top of that, the burning sensation on my scalp from the injection, left me frozen in time with tears rolling down my cheeks.

I began reflecting of this situation and wondering how God could use a [balding] hairstylist. Well, it wasn't a coincidence that I was in the beauty industry. Then God so clearly pressed on my heart: You are going to teach your clients true beauty. The Proverbs 31 beauty. 

A month later, I went back for the second injection. Even though I had an emotional day once again, I was hopeful this would do the trick.

I hadn't seen any progress, not even short hair to indicate hair growth. About three months after my second injection, I examined my spot in the mirror and once again, found no result. The next morning, I woke up and was amazed to find I had about an inch of regrowth. It had literally grown and inch overnight. God worked a miracle. And that was the one and only spot. Until June...

 As I got out of the shower and was brushing my hair, I noticed yet again, another spot on my head. I started checking the surrounding area and found another one. I found a Dermatologist here in Texas and immediately went in for an injection since it worked so well last time. This time it was confirmed I do have the auto immune disease. Whether I will have random bald spots or I will go completely bald, we don't know. I received the injection and left the Dermatologist's office feeling bummed, but more educated about the disease as well as hopeful this will just be an "every once in a while" occurrence.

About two months ago, I was brushing my hair and noticed another spot on my hairline. Feeling discouraged, I called the Dermatologist's office and started treating my new spot with the topical steroid. The following Sunday, I was getting ready for church, and noticed a bald spot in my eyebrow. I hadn't tweezed there in a long while.

Slowly but surely, hair filled in the spot on my eyebrow. And then I found that same spot again yesterday. Bald.

The past four have been full of hope, trust, fear, tears, and faith. I have no idea what course this auto immune disease will take, whether I continue injections for the rest of my life as needed, or if I will one day find myself wig shopping. I have had many days where I don't want to leave the house, self conscious, not wanting others noticing my spots. I have shed countless tears over the fear and reality of losing one of the physical traits that makes a woman feel feminine and beautiful. I have also found myself on my knees [literally] praying for healing over my body because I believe God is the Great Physician and this is a constant reminder of my true identity.

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